
Extreme Sport Events, Equipment Tips, Popular Parks

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Skating is a great exercise for our body, mental health, and fun. It brings a lot of benefits but also is considered as a little dangerous if you are not professional. Despite that this extreme sport engages all of your body muscles; you should pay attention to the risks if you are a beginner.

What are Extreme Sports?

Extreme sports are also known as action or alternative sports with characteristics of high speed and high risks. These sports provide you a lot of benefits good for your personality and health such as: learning the importance of stretching, gain a sense of humility, working all the muscles of your body, burning calories, boost your self-confidence and many more. They can be quite dangerous but that depends on the rush of adrenaline.

List of Most Extreme Sports

You should be wondering what makes the list of extreme sports that are considered as a part of our health and providing us fun while participating in every extreme scene. The most popular list of extreme sports is the following:

  • Freediving

You are literally alone if something goes wrong but you need to breathe anyway. In most of the cases, the divers have tanks with oxygen, but there are also divers that opt to free dive and that can be quite dangerous. Freediving, as the title suggests, divers opt to free diving without any equipment, just a risk.

  • Para skiing

An extreme combination of skiing and flying- the definition of paraskiing. The skier wears parasail and after picking up enough speed for the parasail rise they are lifted on the ground and start soaring. It is an interesting combination of two sports which is the biggest attraction of this list of extreme sports.

  • Highlining

It is a walking where athletes traverse a narrow, springy band of rope suspended high above the ground. The only thing to pass this rope safety is to have a great balance of your body and try not to fall down, so maybe you should try it right now?

  • Volcano boarding

Volcano boarding also known as volcano surfing takes part in an active volcano area. It sounds a little bit not real. Well, this sport is exactly what it sounds like, an athlete slides down the side of the volcano covered in ash or coal cinders. These are the reasons why this sport is in the most popular top 5 list of extreme sports.

  • Wingsuit flying

This extreme sport is a variation of sky diving where is needed a special suit for the โ€œpilotsโ€. The โ€œwingsโ€ that they wear have air pockets that give the pilots more lift to fall slower and have control. Most of the time, this sport takes part in a helicopter but also of a base.

Popular Parks in the USA

The most popular parks for extreme sports in the USA are:

  • Grand Canyon
  • Lake Tahoe
  • Hawaii- the big island
  • Anchorage
  • Yellow stone
  • Yosemite

Equipment Tips - How to protect yourself

We provide you some tips for extreme sportsโ€™ equipment that will help you to protect yourself and prevent injuries:

  • Wear proper clothes for warm and protection.
  • Ice skating kids equipment can prevent injuries and make sure they are always having it
  • Take water breaks to prevent overheating and dehydration.
  • Make sure that the equipment is in good order and always have gloves, helmets, padding and other different equipment proper for the extreme sport.
  • Do light exercises before extreme sports.
  • Footwear is very important so make sure you have the proper.
  • Pay attention to the weather. You should not risk your safety because of some storms or severe drops.

Biggest Events

The most popular and biggest extreme sports events list around the world is the following:

  • Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race โ€“ Anchorage to Nome, Alaska, United States
  • Hellโ€™s Gate โ€“ Il Ciocco, Tuscany, Italy
  • 2012 Crashed Ice World Championship โ€“ Quebec City, Canada
  • Billabong Rio Pro โ€“ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 24 Hours of Le Mans โ€“ Le Mans, France
  • Race Across America โ€“ Oceanside, California to Annapolis, Maryland, United States
  • The X Games โ€“ Los Angeles, California, United States
  • Badwater Ultramarathon โ€“ Badwater Basin to Mt. Whitney, California, United States
  • International Artistic Wingsuit Competition and Marko Mikeโ€™s Wingsuit Boogie โ€“ Siofolk, Hungary
  • Ice Climbing World Cup โ€“ Kirov, Russia


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